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  • Writer's pictureLaura Jones

Reading Disabilities - Essential Supports and Critical Instruction

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Student with reading disabilities require intentional supports and accommodations which create content comprehension for students. This includes direction instruction and comprehension supports during all classes where reading is required. Proper supports may also affect LRE for your student, so getting it right can be an essential component of your child's IEP.

There should be interventions which are evidence based techniques. Don't get hung up on names and titles - instead focus on quality and delivery. Is the technique being offered evidence based? (look it up - some big names have recently been debunked) Are the services being delivered by someone with training? Is there a focus on decoding and support of comprehension?

If you live in Ohio, the state has gone to a lot of effort compiling evidence based strategies because of their 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee. Ohio stores the compilation at the Evidence-Based Clearinghouse.

"Resources within Ohio’s Evidence-Based Clearinghouse explain the many benefits of evidence-based strategies and help educators identify those strategies that meet ESSA’s evidence-based levels 1, 2 and 3. Ohio’s Evidence-Based Clearinghouse also offers information and access to other national clearinghouses and research reviews that districts may want to use. Ohio’s districts are not required to use Ohio’s Evidence-Based Clearinghouse nor does Ohio endorse or require the use of any other specific evidence-based clearinghouse. Districts may use the clearinghouses, research reviews and other resources they find most useful."

A great review is available for people who prefer to listen to strategies. (I do this all the time!) The mini seminar is Supporting literacy: Text-to-Speech and IEP goal setting for students with learning disabilities

Above all, do not delay getting help for your child in reading. Reading is still one of the most fundamental skills your child needs to be successful in life!

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